By Ajibade Abdullah Adewale

 With due respect to every deserving students of the department, with ultimate sense of belonging, writing this is neither a replica of a bias mind nor an imagery of affiliation to anyone but a needed development to loudly voice concern about the future of linguistics and African Languages association.

Sequel to the departmental election which witnessed a free and fair atmosphere, a petition was written against the President-elect on a ground that he was suspended while serving as the General Secretary  of the association with backing from the departmental constitution section 40(3) that "Any officer suspended or removed from office in accordance with provision of this constitution shall not be eligible to hold any offices of the association".
From a clear point of view, the above step is within the circle of democracy.

Following this, the Electoral petition committee removed the President elect has reported by Kowee News Agency.

Sincerely, much commendation goes to the electoral petition committee(EPC) for their incessant and obvious sense of partiality with a stand that some members of the committee clearly handled the issue at hand with personal emotion.

And it is a great disappointment that the Electoral petition committee(EPC) constituted by the generality of Lalsa denied the association of any official release of the outcome of their sittings to keep all abreast of latest developments.This is like trashing their sense of responsibility to the association for whatever ulterior motives they might be abhorring. So bad.

In a related development, the Electoral committee(EC) is comprised of people of high integrity and much accolades would have been showered on them if nothing of this kind had  surfaced but it has and this renders their foresight less relevant. I hope future Electoral committee will keenly learn from this.

And to the contestants who have placed the government of lalsa a do or die affair that if I don't; he also won't. Funnily enough if trend is to be a point of reference, none of them has the charismatic personality to take charge of Lalsa but like some will say "Lalsa is still young" therefore I become a looker. However, I commend them for developing courage to come out and contest.

In light of this, I summon the attention of lalsites and those at the helm of decision making that an urgent action needs to be taken before the school closes for the session. It's even so barbaric and unwarranted that the association is still thirsty of a president at this point in time when he should be rigorously working on how to implement his plans (if he has any) towards next administration.

Finally, to all students of the department who still have two to three years to spend, it's better we stand firm to support what's right or else this people will graduate and leave us to suffer the challenges.

Let's all know that "my time will pass, your time will pass, but the value of our worth, sacrifice will forever be worthy.

With due respect to all deserving students of the department, with ultimate sense of belonging, I plead to the electoral petition committee(EPC) to be  just with their decision and also to let them know that we are watching.

Again I ask;

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