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Busayo Ejiofor Simon |
is so much to unpack throughout the much larger passage of Proverbs 4, but
nestled in the midst of a great wealth of parental advice is verse 23. This
small, but priceless gem states, “Above everything else, guard your heart,
because from it flows the springs of life.” This is an admonition that I’ve
grown to understand at a deeper level over the years. When I was younger, I saw
it as a warning to keep myself pure and abstain from things that would pull me
away from my dream. A warning of things to passively avoid. However, as I’ve
gotten older, I see it as so much more: It is an urgent call to arms.
Invariably, pain by many names – disappointment, disillusionment, hurt, shame, anger, fear, grief, rejection – has caused trickles, waves and sinister, potentially deadly, slow seeps of brackish doubt to enter the hearts of many. When for instance, Mr A have not stayed alert and actively guarded his heart, this brackish water will steal his joy, and do its best to quench his dreams and cause his heart to start feeling numb and callous. Mr A will feel like the proverbial “frog in a pot,” almost to the point of being unable to jump out of the water slowly killing it.
you relate? Unfortunately, this fallen standard leaves none of us unscathed.
The enemies of our dreams know that if they can cause our hearts to become
callous enough, our ears will not hear and our eyes will not behold the beauty
of our prospects; we will not be able to understand and rest in the promises of
our dreams. Each drop of brackish doubt in our heart causes us to become less
effective, or even ineffective, in our academic walk as students and an
unwitting carrier of this malevolence, splashing it into the lives of others.
might you ask, does one defend against one’s spring turning brackish? Well, I
wish I could say I am an expert on this, but I’m still “in process” and
Magna Curia Chambers tells you to come to her for an inextinguishable spirit of
academic excellence. What I have learned is that flooding, flushing and
steadily filling my heart with the truth and solace found in Magna Curia
Chambers helps dilute the doubts to where they are ineffective in causing
catastrophic mayhem in my soul. Seeking to know more about myself, my
potentials, my ability, my goals and how to improve on it for my own good—
allows confidence to flood my soul, filling me to the brim and then overflowing
into the lives of others. The more I know that Magna Curia Chambers believes in
me and is always ready to help me grow to my full potentials, the more doubt is
washed away and the more satisfied my soul is in the promises I know will be
fulfilled, even if it’s not in the immediate timeframe I want."
He further stated that learning is a lifelong process that students must appreciate in achieving their dreams.
"Friends, this is not a “one and done” thing. It is an ongoing, let's say, lifelong process, but the doubts will become more and more diluted and the spring in our hearts will become cleaner, clearer, and stronger as we continue to move toward our dreams together as Magnarians.
Obafemi Awolowo University, the faculty of Law to be precise, may pose to be
that brackish water. You may as well have testimonies from friends who have
passed through this system or those before you but still in it, asserting this
claim. However, you have my firm reassurance that Magna Curia Chambers, OAU is
here to rescue.
are committed to giving you a better testimony about this acclaimed brackish
water. We thus suggest it to you to join Magna Curia Chambers and get the keys
to your academic excellence.
It is noteworthy of mention that these distinguished gentlemen displayed a high
level of political acumen and astuteness while they led the faculty and
Chambers and their imprints and legacies are still and continue to be very
visible in Ifelaw.
Once again, Magna Curia Chambers welcome you to the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University. WE WISH YOU ALL THE BEST."