How I Combine Being A Chef with Real Estate Management: OAU Graduate Recounts Experience


By Aliyu Oyewole

Olukotun Olubunmi

Olukotun Oluwabunmi Oluwajuwonlo is a fresh graduate of Linguistics and African Languages and an entrepreneur. He is an Ekiti born from a family of four currently residing in Ibadan.
With a passion for music and a thirst for knowledge, he constantly seeks new opportunities to learn and grow.  His academic background in linguistics has equipped him with a deep understanding of languages and cultures and also allows him to appreciate the diversity of the world around him. Also, in the past years, he has learned to relate with different human beings from different walks of life.

As an entrepreneur, he's driven by his desire to create innovative solutions and make a positive impact on society while constantly exploring new ideas and opportunities to turn his passion into a successful venture. In this interview with Observers Mag, he shares his journey into becoming a real estate manager and a chef while highlighting the challenges, and plans for the future. 

How did your journey of being a chef and real estate manager start?

Cooking has been part of me since I was in junior secondary school because I attended a day school. I cook most of the time at home in the morning for myself and my younger siblings because mom often leaves for work early. I learned cooking from her at first and I got better at it through online learning. There was a time I pleaded to learn a few from one of my popular friends known as Eja. I learned to grill, make pepper soup, and peppered meat, and also, later had to bring Bushmeat into my menu as it is not available in the campus area of Ile-Ife.

Palm wine and Bushmeat from Bee´s Grills and Sip

Real Estate on the other hand is something I love to do in later years. My dreams and expectations as to providing a place that could be called “Home” are all that pushed me into it coupled with my love for aesthetics. Also, both cooking and being a realtor make me happy because I love it when I see the smiles and happiness I put on people’s faces from time to time in both businesses. 


How have you been able to combine being a chef, and a real estate manager with your academics?

It isn't easy being a developing entrepreneur and a student at the same time in Nigeria. But All thanks to God I scaled through and I have to face life as a graduate again.

How have your parents reacted to this development?

I never really stayed with my parents. I stayed with my uncle and he’s the real estate person I first knew. I picked it all from him but he does property surveys and valuation as a professional and certified surveyor. 

He loves what I do and how I am progressing in it daily and my biological parents too do because I have been productive all from day one in the university or even before then.  I am always open to learning new things and I hope to be where I dream of one day and serve the world just the way I want to. 

Has there ever been a time you almost gave up?


What are the challenges that almost made you give up?

Sometimes the stress, and the rigour of dealing with people daily. Sometimes in real estate, we get to meet dishonest people. In a recent case I got involved in, someone ran away with rent money and I had to sort it all alone. 

Being a chef has been a lot too. There were Days in the past when I couldn’t afford equipment for my work and get funding. But thanks to God I had to start anyway and today we can give more thanks. The journey has been worthwhile and I still hope for growth in my businesses. The sky's the start for me I believe.

What has been your motivation? 

"Success, family, friends, and as Washington said, “if you fall seven times rise eight". 

How have these businesses shaped your life?

It made me have more confidence in myself and believe that above all I have to keep moving even when it seems like all has ended, and the business has taught me a lot about humans and human relations because meeting with different kinds of people and behavioural backgrounds is demanding. 

How do you spend your leisure hours?

Sometimes after overworking myself I take a break from everything and sleep or go out with friends or listen to music and read books. 

As a recent graduate who already has the skills, what are your plans?

I want to build my businesses into proper businesses. I know at first I might not get it right not because I don’t have ideas but funding might be tight but I believe in myself and I have faith in God as I plan to build my grill business into a restaurant or a chilling spot and also my real estate business into a standard firm but first I still have a lot to learn from a lot of people and I have that all planned already. 

If not chef and real estate manager what other skills would you have acquired?

I am learning some tech skills that will give me an edge over a lot of things and the limitations most youths have in Nigeria. 

As a graduate of linguistics, Do you have any intention of making use of your certificate?

I don’t think I would but it’s an advantage for me. However, I don’t see myself practising with it. 


Outside of his professional pursuits, He enjoys immersing himself in the world of music and also plays piano.

As for his spiritual personality, he said “God is my all and on Him, I depend always”

After years of expertise, he recently founded Hedimark Holdings, a real estate company specializing in land sales, property transactions, consultations, dynamic marketing, and custom accommodation solutions.

They can be reached at:
Instagram@ _hedimarkholdings 

On the other hand, as a chef, his brand name is Bee's Grills and Sip which specialises in a tantalizing array of grills, from succulent barbecues to savoury meats in a range of signature sauces. They also dive into exquisite varieties of peppery soup, featuring both meat and fish, with bush meat and palm wine included. 

They can be reached at: 

Adekunle Famuyiwa

An avid writer, campus Journalist, researcher and budding Lawyer. Currently a 500-level student of Law at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun state, and the Editor-In-Chief of Observers Mag


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