Social Expectations; A Barrier or Reasons For Female To Do Exploits

By Miracle Adebayo 

"People need to stop looking at women as sexual objects, and kitchen materials; you need to start looking at me as a normal human being who is living life the way I want to live my life”~ Onyekachukwu

This was a final-year student response when asked about societal expectations of women.

Her response highlights a major issue on how traditional societal expectations shape the lives of women. 

What are Social Expectations?

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Social expectations are stereotypes usually associated with individuals based on their identity, gender or group. These expectations dictate how people should dress, behave, and go about their lives. It is a product of tradition, cultural beliefs, and values that have been justified as norms based on past practices and experiences.

While both genders face this challenge, females experience more of the effects. They are seen as assistants and are not allowed to take on certain roles, which puts unnecessary limitations and boundaries on them. 

The Prejudice of Social Expectations 

Despite the daily advancement in the all-around sector of the world, the impact of social expectations is still being felt globally among females. The limitations of not being able to take up certain roles and fear of societal perception when pursuing a career all contribute to building a female identity with lower self-esteem. 

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However, the records of females doing exploits beyond the societal limitations placed on them have proven to be a significant game-changer in the role of gender in society. An important mention in this category is Ngozi Okonjo Iwela, who has been serving as the Director-General of the World Trade Organization since March 2021. She is the first woman and first African to lead the Organization. 

There is also Ibukun Awosika, a known businesswoman and motivational speaker who also happens to be the first female chairperson of the First Bank of Nigeria. These women are proof that amid persistent social expectations, women can live their lives and pursue careers they desire.

During the 8th edition of the Voice of Women Conference and Award (VOW) 2024, Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, Nigeria's Minister of Labour and Employment, emphasised the critical role of women in building a sustainable future as it is essential for the progress of the country. 

She highlighted the need to leverage positions to empower movement and create job opportunities for all women in society, adding that her position as the minister has shown that every female has the right to pursue their career beyond societal expectations.

Society Expectations: A Barrier Not A Limitation

 Moyosore Sonuga, a women empowerment advocate argues that females should not limit themselves based on societal expectations. According to her, “The focus and expectations of the society should not be based on gender or limited to the assumed ability of gender.”

Sonuga stressed the need to break out of the existing barriers to experience advancement as a society. “We must break out of the barriers we have and embrace people as just being human, not if she is female or he is male. Therefore, she cannot take this role in society.”

Foluke, an operations personnel, also explained that although she had her share of challenges when trying to find her career path, she never allowed public perception to influence her decision. “As a female, you need to put society's thoughts aside and focus on setting achievable and relatable goals that will keep you going as a female with purpose,” she said.

Today’s society is now faced with embracing gender equality and the role played in society. Although social expectations never stopped existing, the world has now advanced to a state of inclusivity where females are encouraged to do exploits and access their full potential in society.

Tayo, a male respondent, supports this shift. He acknowledges his love for career-oriented women adding that he will make sure she does not have to drop her career.  “We will build together and grow together,” he added.

While it can be observed from progress that the beliefs around the roles women should play in society are shifting gradually, the deep-rooted culture and beliefs still present obstacles. 

This has proven there is still a long way to go as there is a need for a more supportive environment both at home and in the workplace, where caregiving responsibilities are shared, and women are not penalized for pursuing their careers.


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